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Hashtags or not? Its history and usefulness - part 1

Hashtag - origin and use - EyeOnline agency

The use of hashtags on social networks has now become democratized. But this practice varies for each social network and makes it a real headache.

How many should I use? What hashtags do I use? And on Facebook do I use them or not? ” We tell you everything here!

To find out everything, over the next few weeks we will publish several articles on the hashtag , its use , its usefulness ... Here is the first part.

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is simply a keyword preceded by the # (pound) sign. Its use appeared in the sphere of social networks in 2007.

It was originally suggested by Chris Messina, an American Silicon Valley designer. A simple Twitter user at the time, he used it to group messages on the same subject. It will be adopted and made official by Twitter in 2009.

Hashtag - origin and use - EyeOnline agency

Today, hashtags are used by millions of people every day on social media. So, on Twitter, just like Instagram, it is now essential to use them in your digital communication. And their use on LinkedIn, Youtube and Facebook is also important.

Why use hashtags?

They offer several advantages to support your digital communication:

  • Develop the visibility of your brand : make yourself known to a wide audience (professionals or individuals).

  • Have a relevant monitoring tool : observe the trend in your sector of activity and its competition

  • Share your content and posts in a targeted manner : a post that contains hashtags increases user engagement by over 12% on average. On Twitter this can double the number of retweets .

You now know a little more about the emergence of the hashtag and its use. And it is therefore essential to use the hashtag in your digital communication . But wisely!

In our next articles dedicated to hashtags, you will discover which hashtags to use and how to manage them according to each social network.

EyeOnline agency - French Operational Web Marketing

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